Our company is a leading manufacturer of power supply to industrial devices. We offer OEM solutions, which are designed for various industries. They are used in i.a. electrical appliances, military equipment, IoT, Smart Metering, telemetry, e-mobility, and many others.
The major registered office of Westerberg is located in Denmark, whereas the development center and the production plant are situated in Poland. The company has existed since 1945, whereas the Polish branch since 1999. We design all solutions with durable and long-term relations with our customers in mind. We offer:
- maintenance-free and durable industrial batteries;
- small hybrid capacitators with large capacity;
- lithium and alkaline batteries for industrial devices.
Our offers also includes services in the field of designing power supply systems. We have gained experience over many years and possess technical expertise. In our Research & Development Department, we work on adjusting battery packs to customers’ needs and requirements. Our team is committed to introducing new technologies and improves the standard of the products offered.